Stroke 3.0 - General Prognosis of Major Stroke
General prognosis of major stroke:
First hours/ days after stroke:
- Symptoms generated by this diffuse impairment are superimposed on the more focal symptoms caused by death of tissue at the site of the stroke.
As time passes:
- More focal collection of symptoms reflecting the permanent lose of neurons in the infarcted area.
o As Physiologic repairs take place, patient gradually improves with diffuse impairment of behaviour, bodily function, and mentation
[Cerebral swelling diminishes, cerebral blood flow to undamaged tissue is restored, and neurotransmitters and neurotoxins are excreted or reabsorbed. Axons in brain tissue near the infarct establish new connections with neurons that have lost direct connections with infarcted area (collateral sprouting)]
*Predictions about eventual neurologic recovery/ residual level of impairment during the first few days after a stroke is often unreliable