Stroke 5.0 - Recovery from Ischemic & Hemorrhagic Stroke
Recovery from Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes
- Pattern of recovery depends largely on: Type of Stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic)
- Eventual level of recovery depends largely on: i) the amount of brain tissue destroyed and ii) the location of the destruction
P.S. Recovery from ischemic strokes is greatest for patients in the middle severity ranges.
- Patients who remain severely impaired when the acute effects of the stroke have dissipated (2 to 4 weeks poststroke) have limited recovery.
- Patients with very mild impairments during the first few days after an ischemic stroke do not benefit much from neurologic recovery because they have little to recover.
Brookshire, R.H. (2007). Introduction to neurogenic communication disorders (7th Ed). St. Louis: Mosby. (page 36- 50)
NEXT: Stroke 6.0 - Acute ischemic stroke Management: rtPA